Monkey3 - Astra Symmetry

The first Friday in September brings a new release from veteran Swiss four piece Monkey3, as they drop their newest album, Astra Symmetry via Napalm Records.
Astra Symmetry will be the fifth full length release from Monkey3, and it provides their most polished sound to date. On this, you will find the very same brand of stoner/psychadelic rock that they've built their name on, with an exceptional production.
This is not an album that you simply listen to. While you may pick a favorite track, it's not something you'll listen to for one or two songs at a time. This album is meant to be an experience, the kind of music that sounds best while relaxing with the lights out. For all intents and purposes, this is practically an instrumental album, as what sets this apart are the atmospheres created throughout. Think Pink Floyd, with little to no vocals. With that said, Monkey3 finds themselves as a crowd pleasing favorite among the European festival circuit. They have an infectious sound that simply needs to be heard.
From their official website:
"MONKEY3's new album, Astra Symmetry, feeds its inspiration from the mapping of the stars and their symbolic associations, interpreting the constellations stranded over the dark sky.Taking its roots in the pristine abyss, Astra Symmetry is a journey towards sidereal soundscapes making their course over four progressive chapters revolved around the zodiac wheel, unifying astrological signs under their elemental nature. What begins in the deep waters, ascends into thin air and acquires earthly consciousness before burning in the sacred fire. Decidedly cosmic instrumental music that loves melding heavy riffing with proggy keyboard landscapes – so buckle up and enjoy the ride!"
If you're looking for something fresh to reinvigorate your music catalog, I highly recommend checking out Astra Symmetry when it's released on September 2nd.

MONKEY3 - Abyss (Audio) | Napalm Records
MONKEY3 - Dead Planet's Eyes (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records