Wilson - Tasty Nasty

Well… Wilson made an album for Wilson. A record that THEY wanted to make, for the 5 individuals in the group. It’s an obvious, and blinding shift from what they’d previously done with their releases “Standing On The Reel (2009)”, “Full Blast Fuckery (2013)” and “Right To Rise. (2015)”
The album starts out blasting you away with 4 amazing songs in my opinion. "Dumptruck," "Wrong Side Of History" (my personal favorite on the album), "Like A Baller" (this song is simply a lot of fun), and "My Hustle"(I can see this track being blasted at a raging kegger.) These songs have a 90’s hip-hop and nu-metal feel to them; a little bit of Rob Zombie, Limp Bizkit, with a twist of East AND West Coast hip-hop flare mixed and blended in.
However… I didn’t get the same feeling going forward. This is where it fell apart for me. "Summertime Treat (Tasty Nasty)", "Act My Age", "Spanish Coffee" and "Money (Money Money Money)" just completely took me out of the mode I was in. This isn’t the Wilson I know. These songs felt very foreign to me, and it was uncomfortable to my ears. It just felt completely out of place for the band.
Then "Fuck Up My High" comes in, and kicks it with some wicked guitar work and an infectious chorus, but it’s the last highlight for me. "House Of Fuckery" and "Everyone Gets A Round On Me" fell back into the same feel as track 5-8.
In talking to guitarist Jason Spencer, he said “Dude, we are expecting heads to turn in every direction. Like you said, this record was written for us...but not in a condescending way. It wasn't written with someone breathing over our shoulder, you know? It was written with creative freedom. Something that seems to be stripped from so many bands.“
Listen, I get that this album wasn’t written for anyone other than Wilson. The Wilson Fan in me feels the first 4 tracks are quintessential Wilson; they could have gone on any of their other albums. Wilson has made an insanely brave and bold move with this release. It’s a dramatic shift from what brought me into the world of Fuckery. But the majority of this release is not what I would expect, or like to hear from them. It takes balls these days to drift away from what people know you for.
It takes a lot of courage, and the ability to not give a fuck what people think. For that, I applaud them, regardless of what I think about the songs.
Wilson - Like A Baller (Official Music Video)