Interview: Fault Lines

Every once in a while there is a paradigm shift in music. A band will make their way to your YouTube channel or playlist on Spotify and completely take you by surprise. This is the case with our new friends in Fault Lines. Hailing from Chattanooga, TN, and formed in 2013, Four childhood buddies got the idea to create a band that would shake the foundational walls of the very city that made them. Corey, Dylan, Joe and Chris had begun something very special with Fault Lines. Over the last few years it would eventually take root and the guys’ hard work would lead them straight to the computer screen of yours truly.
Knowing what I know and learning about the band’s history, I had to reach out and see if they would join me for an episode of our show. I was elated to get an overwhelmingly positive response. Join us as we sit down with nu-metalcore powerhouse Fault Lines!