Deftones Take Over Nashville

For quite some time now, Chino Moreno and the Deftones have been fueling the airwaves with a sound that is their very own. Not conforming to the ever-changing formulaic progression that is our industry by switching up drastic timing, funky note changes or even changing genres all together, the Deftones released a record very much fitting of the band's sound, titled 'OHMS' from Reprise Records that dropped right at the beginning of a global pandemic. So naturally they would have many shows to make up and also get out and tour this kick ass record. With this show being a rescheduled event here in Nashville, you could bet the band would play their best show for music city. This would also be my first time ever seeing them as well as Gojira, their supporting act. I was elated and ready to find a parking spot so I could run to the venue like running to the barricade at a show.
Deftones would have terrific support on this tour in Vowws and the mighty Gojira. Vowws being one of the bands I had not heard of took me by complete surprise as they had a show unlike anything I had ever seen. Almost complete darkness, this synth-driven two-person band would be just what the fans needed to wake up from their outside distractions. This show was warming up exponentially and showed no signs of stopping. Then there’s the mammoth-sized powerhouse band Gojira that took us all by the shirt and bitch-slapped us into oblivion with a wall of sound, so crushing and spine tingling that you had to be there to experience it. This was another first for me as I had also never seen Gojira live. That won’t be the last either.

Gojira's Joe Duplantier in Nashville
As the mood shifted so to the bands and the time had come for Deftones to take center stage. Fog poured out, the intro to “Genesis” played with the haunting synth and delicious guitar works of Stephen Carpenter. Chino ran to the front lip of the stage and belted out “I reject both sides of what I’m being told” in a true to the record fashion that gave me instant chills. Deftones were already on fire and they were only 45 seconds into their set. I’m so glad that I can now say I’ve seen this band live and hopefully not for the last time as they truly captivate and capture an audience’s full attention. They command your attention in a way I have never seen a band do. When you hear a Deftones record you know it but when you see it performed live you feel it. Make sure you do not miss out on this one of a kind tour that will blast you back into your seat and out of your shoes.